Since Joe Rogan became the world’s most-talked-about podcaster, he has so many listeners that he became rich enough to turn down $100 million. Many of Joe’s fans have loved listening to him do things like defend controversial stars, feud with other celebrities, call out Taylor Swift, and mock Diddy. However, not everything that Joe says and does has gotten positive feedback. In fact, Howard Stern once gave Joe unasked for advice about how to apologize to the world.
One of the things about Joe that many of his fans look up to is that he has an admirable lifestyle in terms of fitness. However, according to experts, that doesn’t mean that everyone should necessarily follow in Joe’s footsteps. After all, experts claim that Joe’s diet can cause “painful” kidney stones and more.
The Real Dangers Of Joe Rogan Being On The Carnivore Diet, According To Experts
Over the last several years, Joe Rogan has repeatedly revealed that he has adopted the carnivore diet off and on. While Joe doesn’t live on the diet at all times, his statements have made it clear that he is a big believer in the carnivore diet having positive health outcomes for people.
Joe has become such a big supporter of the carnivore diet that he has repeatedly spoken about how changing what he eats made him feel better in a myriad of different ways.
Unfortunately, it appears that people other than the podcast host might have a very different experience with the carnivore diet. According to experts, some people who adopt the carnivore diet, like Joe, could suffer severely.
In February 2025, The New York Post published an article based on a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That article focused on the potential health outcomes of adopting the carnivore diet.
Famous People Who’ve Adopted The Carnivore Diet, According to Muscle & Fitness
- Joe Rogan
- Mikhaila Peterson
- Jordan Peterson
- The Buff Dudes
- Chris Bell
- Mark Bell
- Shawn Baker
That article stated that people who adopt the diet that Joe is a supporter of may develop extremely painful kidney stones.

Joe Rogan’s Absurd Claims Were Debunked By The FBI
Joe Rogan made a claim on “The Joe Rogan Experience” that the FBI went on to publicly debunk.
According to The New York Post’s article, a 68-year-old man adopted the carnivore diet after learning about it on YouTube was studied. In some ways, the man had the health outcomes that he hoped for, as he reportedly lost 24 pounds.
Throughout the history of his podcast, Joe Rogan has often spoken about remaining fit. For example, an April 2020 Men’s Health article quoted Joe giving his listeners advice on the most important equipment they should buy to workout with. “If you can get one thing, one piece of equipment that I think you need, get a chinup bar. One kettlebell, one chinup bar, you’ve replaced your gym. Every day you can get a f****** ferocious workout in a number of different ways.”
However, when doctors conducted tests on the man six man after he began the diet, they found alarming outcomes.
The New York Post’s article reported that the 68-year-old man developed kidney stones within only six months on the carnivore diet. Furthermore, the article stated that the man’s urinalysis showed that his body was at increased risk of developing all three major types of kidney stones.
Those who’ve never experienced kidney stones may underestimate how painful they can be. A September 2017 Keck Medicine of USC article focused on comparisons between passing a kidney stone and giving birth. While the article didn’t definitively state that the two experiences can be similarly painful, it didn’t dispute that. Furthermore, the article quoted Mike Nguyen, MD, a urologist at USC Urology of Keck Medicine of USC, talking about what kidney stone patients can go through. “Kidney stone pain can be very severe, and many patients report it as the worst they have ever experienced.” It should also be noted that some kidney stone patients experience a lot less pain.
Of course, some may wonder if the man developing kidney stones on the diet was a coincidence. However, The New York Post’s article reported that after going off the carnivore diet, the man’s urinalysis showed he was no longer in danger of developing kidney stones.

Joe Rogan Called Out Conan O’Brien For This Bizarre Reason
Joe Rogan once called out the beloved talk show host Conan O’Brien for a strange reason.
The New York Post’s article went on to reveal that experts have pointed to other potential negative health side effects of the carnivore diet.
According to some doctors, the carnivore diet, which involves eating red meat, butter, and cheese, can raise the risks of heart disease and stroke.
Joe Rogan Suffered A Negative Side Effect From The Carnivore Diet
In January 2020, Joe Rogan wrote about adopting the carnivore diet for the first time in an Instagram post. That colorful post revealed that Joe suffered from severe diarrhea after he began eating a meat-heavy diet.
In fact, Joe wrote that calling what he experienced diarrhea was too faint of a word.
“I’m not sure diarrhea is an accurate word for it, like I don’t think a shark is technically a fish. It’s a different thing, and with regular diarrhea I would compare it to a fire you see coming a block or two away and you have the time to make an escape, whereas this carnivore diet is like out of nowhere the fire is coming through the cracks, your doorknob is red hot, and all hope is lost.”
As the post continued, Joe wrote that he believed he may have an accident if he continued on the diet. Joe also colorfully wrote about the potential of that as “like a rainforest mudslide overtaking a mountain road.”
Joe Rogan Has Spoken About How Incredible The Carnivore Diet Makes Him Feel
Twenty days after Joe wrote about suffering diarrhea, he provided an update on Instagram about his carnivore diet experience. In that post, Joe revealed that he only suffered intestinal distress from the carnivore diet for two weeks and then that went away. “The explosive uber diarrhea stopped around two weeks in. It’s been totally normal last two weeks.”

The Shocking Truth About Whether Joe Rogan Or Howard Stern Is Richer
Joe Rogan and Howard Stern have become rivals which has left fans wondering which one of them is the richest.
That same video featured a video that showed Joe talking about how much weight he lost on the carnivore diet and showing off how ripped he looked. “So, I did the carnivore diet for all of January. I lost 12 pounds… I had a belly. A lot of people made fun of me, fat shamed me. I lost all my fat. I lost all the belly. I lost my love handles.” Joe also stated that thanks to the carnivore diet, he felt much more energetic.
I gained a ton of energy. My energy levels were completely flat the whole month. No ups and downs from crashing after eating.
Joe also stated in the video that the carnivore diet also mitigated the effects of a health issue he has.
“It was tremendously beneficial. I also have an autoimmune disorder. It’s called vitiligo and my vitiligo improved. I had a bunch of white spots fill in. So I don’t know.”
No wonder that Joe has revealed several times since 2020 that he has gone on the carnivore diet again.