South Africa

North CPF, police extends festive wishes to residents

As the festive season draws near, law enforcement agencies in Pretoria North, including the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and local police, would like to extend their heartfelt festive wishes to all residents.

The festive period is a time for celebration, family, and relaxation, and the CPF, along with the police are committed to ensuring that communities remain safe during this joyful time.

The CPF and police encourage all residents to enjoy their holidays responsibly and to remain vigilant in maintaining the safety of their homes and neighbourhoods.

They remind the community to take necessary precautions, such as securing their property, avoiding sharing travel plans on social media, and reporting any suspicious activity to authorities.

Law enforcement officials will increase patrols and visibility throughout the festive season to help reduce crime and ensure a peaceful holiday for everyone.

Akasia station commander Colonel Godfrey Zwane Photo supplied.

As they continue to serve and protect, they extend their warm wishes for a happy, safe and joyous festive season to all.

Sinoville station commander Colonel Gerald Witbooi said, “As we are approaching the festive season, a time when criminals see the opportunity to commit crime we remind every community member to stay safe and look out for one another,” said Witbooi.

He further showed gratitude and confidence in working with different stakeholders in fighting crime in the Sinoville policing precinct.

Witbooi welcomed the initiative of Sinoville CPF and private security in installing cameras at strategic points in the fight against crime.

He further applauded all community members who formed part of the initiative and encouraged other members to come on board.

Witbooi wants to wish all community members a safe festive season and pledged that boots will be on the ground. He alerted the community to be mindful of their surroundings, whether travelling, shopping or celebrating.

“Keep your personal belongings secure. Ensure your home is well-secured, even if you’re stepping out for a short while.

Lock doors and close windows and consider using family members to look after your house while you are on holiday. Celebrate responsibly: Enjoy festive drinks but please don’t drive under the influence. Use public transport, a designated driver, or ride-sharing services.”

Pretoria North CPF spokesperson Lebo Moloi said people must be vigilant at all times when driving.

“Make sure your car is locked at the mall parking. Look around for suspicious people before leaving your car. Do not leave valuables visible in your car. Be careful at the ATM.

Do not accept help from strangers, be careful in driveways, and when attacked, don’t try to be a hero, just comply.

Happy festive season to all residents of Pretoria North,” said Moloi.

Akasia station commander Colonel Godfrey Zwane assured residents that the police are operationally ready to deal with crime during the festive season.

“Lawlessness will not be tolerated, and any transgression and perpetrator will face the full might of the law and justice will be attained.

Liquor is a generator of contact crime in our area and liquor outlets in general will be forced to comply with the law.”

He said drunken driving will also be prioritised as it contributes to the fatal accidents during these times.

Communities are encouraged to be cautious when shopping.

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About the author

Blessing Obinna

Blessing Obinna is a dynamic journalist with a passion for uncovering stories that matter. She specializes in entertainment, lifestyle, and societal trends, bringing fresh perspectives to every article she writes for eNews Nigeria.