
Exclusive: Deal Or No Deal Island's Dickson Wong Revealed Why He Had The Hardest Role In 'The Famiy' Alliance

Since Deal or No Deal Island premiered, the hit reality show has become a must-see since it is one of Peacock’s best shows. The fact that Joe Manganiello is such a great host, there is the Dr. Will effect, and that even the show’s deleted scenes are amazing, are part of the reason the show is so great. If that wasn’t enough, DONDI has also featured hilarious scenes and Seychelle Cordero’s blunt opinions about her co-stars are amazing to hear.

Another one of the key factors in Deal or No Deal Island’s success is how compelling “The Family” alliance has been. After all, Parvati Shallow’s feud with Dr. Will is reality TV gold, and David Genat’s “golden god” feud with his biggest rival is captivating. Considering how big of a deal “The Family” has become on the show, it is fascinating to see what Dickson Wong exclusively told TheThings about his former alliance.

Dickson Wong Explained That He Was In More Peril Than His “The Family” Alliance Mates

Throughout Deal or No Deal Island Season 2, there were often shifting alliances throughout the season. Most notably, there were several instances when people who’d previously complained about Dr. Will Kirby suddenly began teaming up with the Big Brother legend.

On the other hand, one thing that remained consistent throughout the season was the dominance of “The Family” alliance. As a result, there has been a lot of discussion about “The Family” among the fans and the players.

Since Parvati Shallow and David Genat were both former Survivor winners, a lot of the discussion about “The Family” has focused on them. However, Dickson Wong exclusively told TheThings why fans should pay more respect to his role in “The Family.”

In March 2025, TheThings journalist Matthew Thomas exclusively interviewed Dickson Wong about his Deal or No Deal Island experience.

Which Celebrities Have Played Deal or No Deal Island

Claim To Fame


Survivor Hall of Famer

“Boston” Rob Mariano

The Real Housewives of Atlanta/The Celebrity Apprentice

Claudia Jordan

Big Brother Icon

Dr. Will Kirby

Survivor Hall of Famer

Parvati Shallow

Australian Survivor Legend

David Genat

Former Miss Indiana USA/Professional Wrestler

Alexis Lete

While speaking exclusively to TheThings, Dickson brought up the fact that some viewers believe that he went far in the game because David and Parvati dragged him.

With David and Parvati, people are saying that I was riding their coattails.

To Dickson’s point, there is no doubt that Deal or No Deal Island portrayed David and Parvati as the leaders of their alliance.



Exclusive: Deal Or No Deal Island’s La Shell Wooten On Parvati Shallow’s Constant Safety And ‘The Family’

Deal Or No Deal Island’s La Shell Wooten exclusively told TheThings about Parvati Shallow’s constant safety and “The Family” alliance.

Considering that everyone involved looked at David and Parvati as Dickson’s “parents,” it makes sense that some viewers have given them more credit. However, there is an extremely valid argument that Dickson deserves to be given a lot more credit from viewers.

While talking exclusively to TheThings in March 2025, Dickson Wong explained that his personal connection with David Genat was genuine. “The emotional stuff between me and David, it was 100% genuine… I don’t wanna air out too much in my personal life. But me my dad, we don’t have the greatest relationship. And, the thing is, I wanna make it clear. You know, I wasn’t asking David, like, ‘Adopt me, David.’ I wasn’t saying that. Like, a lot of people are thinking I am. I told David that I wish his characteristics that he has, as a dad, that my dad had them. Where he would wanna spend time with me, that he was checking up on me, and everything like that. So that was absolutely 100% genuine.”

As Dickson pointed out while talking exclusively to TheThings, he had to survive a lot more peril than Parvati or David.

They were safe all the time. Like, I had my game in my own hands all the time.

Dickson is right to point out that one of his top allies, Parvati, was safe during at least the first nine episodes of Deal or No Deal Island Season 2. Similarly, David was almost always safe.

Being in an alliance with two people who were almost always safe is an extremely dangerous position to be in. That situation only becomes worse when the alliance has been blatant that they are working together, and they’ve been in a position of powerful.

While speaking exclusively with TheThings in March 2025, Dickson Wong explained how his bond with Parvati Shallow became so tight. “Parvati was so cool to work with on the island. She was so cool to play with. It was an honor playing with a Survivor legend like her. She genuinely is a very caring person. Whenever we had off days, we spent time together. One thing wasn’t shown was that I had an allergic reaction Episode 1, where David sat on the couch with me the entire night. I had IVs in me. I was so loopy, from the Benadryl, from everything. But the two things I remember is, one, David sat with me on the couch. And the second thing is is that Parvati tucked me in bed, because I was just so out of it. Like, I was laying there on my bed, basically dead, and Parvati walked in. I’m like, ‘No. No. No. I’m good. Just let me sleep.’ She’s like, ‘No. You gotta accept help from others.’ Let me help you. So she was very, very, very genuine, about everything, and she was, it was cool hearing her stories about Survivor.”

Unfortunately for Dickson, he often found himself in a position where his allies were safe and he was vulnerable. That means that it would have made perfect sense for Dickson to be targeted.


Exclusive: Deal Or No Deal Island’s Seychelle Cordero On Being Scared During Her Final Excursion

Deal Or No Deal Island’s Seychelle Cordero exclusively told TheThings about how scared she was during her final excursion.

While talking exclusively to TheThings, Dickson stated that he had to fight harder than his allies to remain in the game.

“I had to figure out ways to get me out of the out of trouble.”

Since Dickson feels like fans have underestimated what he accomplished on Deal or No Deal Island, for valid reasons, he wants to prove himself to the world.

“I just hope I get a chance to play, you know, Survivor, Big Brother, or something like that where I can prove that I can be a dominant player, without this family alliance.”

Deal Or No Deal Island’s Dickson Wong Revealed Who Actually Was In “The Family” Alliance

During Deal or No Deal Island, it was very clear that Dickson Wong, Parvati Shallow, and David Genat were members of “The Family” alliance. However, there were other players who at times seemed to be associated with the group. Fortunately for confused fans who weren’t sure who the members of “The Family” were, Dickson cleared that up.


Exclusive: DONDI’s Dr. Will Kirby And David Genat Reveal What Their Confrontation Over The Survivor Winner’s Past Felt Like

Deal or No Deal Island’s Dr. Will Kirby And David Genat exclusively reflect on what their epic confrontation felt like for them.

In March 2025, Dickson Wong told TheThings the obvious, who the core members of “The Family” were. “The thing with “The Family,” I felt like the true members of the family were me, Dave, and Parvati.”

While talking exclusively to TheThings in March 2025, Dickson Wong revealed how close he is with his mom in real life. “I do have a great relationship with my mom, in real life.”

Then, Dickson clarified what Maria-Grace “M.G.” Cook’s role in “The Family” was.

“M.G., she somehow got into the family. What I think was going on, and I don’t blame David and Parvati for this. One thing that Dr. Will was not wrong about, I was playing a very weaselly game. I was making a lot of deals, promises, that I couldn’t keep, unfortunately. So in David and Parvati’s eyes, it’s like, ‘This kid’s making himself a target. They’re gonna send him home.’ So I think they were doing MG as a backup option in the scenario where if I did go home. They could continue the family, but adopt M.G. in it. “

Dickson also told TheThings that even M.G. was unsure of her “The Family” status. “There was one time when MG came up to me, and she’s like, ‘Did you know I was in the Alliance?’ I’m like, ‘No. I didn’t know I had a sister, actually.’ So her saying that was very interesting.”

Maria-Grace “MG’ Cook, Parvati Shallow And Dickson Wong
Via: NBC

From there, Dickson went on to clarify what he believed was Courtney “C.K.” Kim’s role in “The Family.”

“With C.K., one thing the edit doesn’t show is that C.K. and Parvati were really close in the game. Okay. And it shows, like, me and C.K. hating each other. But we had a brother-sisterly love. You know, whenever she took my ring, I gave her a big hug for it saying no hard feelings. You know, me and C.K. were close too. I would say C.K. was maybe the aunt of “The Family.”

Based on Dickson’s remarks to TheThings, he clearly believed that C.K. and M.G. were associate members of “The Family.”

About the author

Tochi Mbakwe

Tochi Mbakwe is a creative writer who dives deep into entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle trends. Her vibrant and engaging pieces add a unique flavor to eNews Nigeria's content.