Michael “Shroud,” a renowned Twitch streamer, has announced a month-long charity subathon titled “Fragathon” starting January 4, 2025. In a heartfelt video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on January 3, Shroud revealed that the event is dedicated to his late father, who passed away from cancer last year. Proceeds from the subathon will be donated to charity, helping others facing similar challenges.
A Unique Subathon Concept
Unlike traditional subathons focused on subscriber milestones, Shroud’s Fragathon introduces a unique twist. The event features a “frag counter,” where every in-game elimination (frag) will translate directly into a dollar donated to charity. In his announcement, Shroud explained:
“For the entire month of January, I am going to be going live with a frag counter. For each elimination on stream, one dollar is going to charity. Subs and donations are going to increase this multiplier, making each frag more and more impactful.”
This innovative approach connects Shroud’s love for gaming with his philanthropic efforts, ensuring that viewers’ engagement enhances the donations.
Tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/nF63TYYhn4
— Michael Grzesiek (@shroud) January 3, 2025
Collaboration with Other Creators
Shroud’s Fragathon isn’t a solo endeavor. The streamer has invited fellow Twitch creators to participate and contribute to the cause. To facilitate collaboration, Shroud is setting up a LAN center in his home, where other streamers can join in-person gaming sessions to add to the frag counter. Additionally, the event will include various IRL challenges and activities to further boost donations.
“I won’t be alone. I’m inviting all my friends to come by and donate frags in person at a LAN center I’m building in my house. There’s also going to be IRL events and challenges to add to the counter when we’re not gam ing.”
Shroud’s Charity Subathon will include as many FPS games and streamers as possible, completing challenges along the way to see how much Shroud donates
“It could be $100,000… it could be $1 million of my own money” pic.twitter.com/js1OxjdYkV
— Jake Lucky (@JakeSucky) January 3, 2025
Honoring His Father
The Fragathon carries a deeply personal meaning for Shroud. By channeling his grief into a positive initiative, he aims to honor his father’s memory. The announcement video concluded with a touching clip of his father speaking in Polish, adding an emotional layer to the event.
Though Shroud has not disclosed the specific charity to receive the proceeds, he assured fans that 100% of the revenue from subscriptions, donations, and bits will be directed toward the cause.
I know I haven’t spoken publicly about it, but for the past few months my Dad had been battling lung cancer. Yesterday he passed away.
He always supported me, got me into gaming and helped shape my love for games specifically FPS. Rest in peace papa shroud <3 pic.twitter.com/bPSINVdYEu
— Michael Grzesiek (@shroud) August 11, 2023
The Fragathon not only highlights Shroud’s gaming prowess but also showcases his dedication to making a meaningful impact. Fans and fellow streamers are eagerly awaiting this month-long campaign, which promises to blend entertainment, collaboration, and generosity.