
Survivor Players Fans Don't Like But Are Good At The Game

Since Jeff Probst first began hosting Survivor, the show has gone on to develop an extremely passionate fan following. For example, many Survivor fans know things like who the first player to be medically evacuated was. On top of that, those fans love debating things like how every season should be ranked, who the best players are, and which seasons new fans should watch first.

That same group of passionate Survivor fans also love to debate how good and how entertaining each player is. As a result, those fans decided which Survivor players were great at the game even though they still didn’t like watching them.

Survivor Fans Think Sarah Lacina Is Boring But Great At The Game

Since Survivor is an incredibly popular show, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there is a subreddit dedicated to it. On that subreddit, a fan posted a thread in August 2024 asking the other users to name players who played a good game that they still didn’t like.

Since that is a fascinating topic, it makes sense that the thread got a lot of responses from fans. Out of all those responses, one of them got a lot more upvotes than every other one.

The top most-upvoted response to the thread argued that Sarah Lacina was a great player who wasn’t fun to watch. While looking at that response, it is important to remember that Sarah won a season and came in 4th place during another. During the season, Sarah came in 4th place, she only left the game after losing the fire-making challenge.

How successful was Sarah Lacina during Survivor?



Survivor: Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty

7th Voted Out/1st Jury Member/Day 19

Survivor: Game Changers

Sole Survivor

Survivor: Winners at War

4th Place/Eliminated/16th Jury Member/Day 38

The top most-upvoted response gave Sarah Lacina respect for how she played the game. However, the response also labeled Sarah as a dull player to watch on television.

“Sarah Lacina for sure. I find her to be one of the dullest TV personalities, but she’s very good at

One of the people who commented underneath the top most-upvoted response stated that they actually liked watching Sarah. That person brought up all the reasons why Sarah obviously is great at the game, including how much she evolved as a player between her first and second seasons.

However, another person who commented on the top most-upvoted response completely agreed that Sarah is a great but dull player to watch.

“She really is good at Survivor. She learned from her original game and just steamrolled her next two outings. But yeah nothing really pops about her.”

Survivor Fans On Reddit Thought Rafe Judkins Was A Great But Unlikable Player

In 2005, Survivor fans saw Rafe Judkins play during the show’s 11th season. Unfortunately for Rafe, he didn’t win his season as he was the last player who was eliminated before the final tribal council.

Even though Rafe didn’t win his season, the way he played the game still stuck in the minds of Reddit’s Survivor fans. After all, another Reddit thread about the best non-winners had a response that paid tribute to Rafe’s game that got several upvotes.

How successful was Rafe Judkins during Survivor?



Survivor: Guatemala

3rd Place/16th Voted Out/7th Jury Member/Day 38

The second most-upvoted response to the post about great but unlikable players made a similar argument about Rafe being one of the best non-winners. However, that same response also focused on how unlikable Rafe was.

“Rafe is pretty boring. If anything, I find him to be a little bit self righteous and whiny. But he does play a great game in Guatemala, and comes very very close to winning. In spite of my personal feeling, I can’t in good conscience say it’s anything less than one of the elite non-winning games.”

That response had two people who commented on it in amazing ways. After all, the two comments, when combined, completely backed up the claim that Rafe was a great but unlikable player.

The first comment stated that Rafe was a great Survivor player who was a part of the game too early. “Rafe played 30 seasons too early”

The second comment on the response agreed that Rafe was irritating to watch play. “I agree cause gosh did he annoy me”

Reddit Fans Were Annoyed By But Respected Several More Survivor Players

The first two responses to the Survivor thread about great but unlikable players each named one person. However, the third most popular response was more ambitious than that. That response named 4 different winners as great at the game but weren’t fun to watch.

According to the third most-upvoted response, three of the show’s earlier winners and one more modern one fall into this category.

“Vecepia. Tommy. Brian. Danni. Three of them played well but were bad TV. Brian played well but was more unhinged than I like.”

Vecepia Towery won the 4th season of Survivor and Brian Heidik won the 5th season. Then Danni Boatwright won the 11th season and Tommy Sheehan won the 39th season.

In addition to the already-mentioned players, fans brought up several more who were great but boring to watch. Some of those responses would likely surprise a lot of people.

For example, John Cochran was a player who got a lot of upvotes. John was a popular player at his peak so his inclusion is surprising. That said, John arguably got brought back too many times, so his inclusion may be because Survivor fans were sick of him.

Surprisingly, several more of Survivor’s notable winners also got brought up in the thread. Notably, Yul Kwon, Tony Vlachos, and Parvati Shallow were all brought up in the thread.

Some of the other notable players who were brought up in the thread include Domenick Abbate, Dee Valladares, Ben Driebergen, and Todd Herzog among others.

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