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Is the recall attempt against the law?

Louisiana law states, “No other person shall sign any name other than his own name unless a person is incapable of writing.”

NEW ORLEANS — Of the approximately 67,000 signatures filed with the voter register by organizers of the recall, some were forged, including those of cartoon characters.

On Thursday, Dr. Orleans Township registrar Sandra Wilson did not comment on whether those signatures were either criminal or fraudulent.

“I don’t know what her intention was. I can’t say they were trying to be fraudulent. I think they submitted those documents as best they could,” Wilson said.

Louisiana state law states, “No other person may sign any name other than his or her own name unless a person is unable to write.” However, according to an attorney we spoke to, there may be no legal ramifications.

Doug Sensari says it would go through the district attorney, who may not think it’s worth prosecuting.

First, Sensari says the forged signatures didn’t have much of an impact on the bottom line. Second, according to Sensari, it would require a lot of resources that are already limited.

“They just might not have that as a priority prosecution,” says Sensari. “They would either have to have eyewitness identification showing that I remember this person signing Donald Duck, or some sort of third-party identification would need to be done. So not only do you have the issue of prosecutorial discretion as to whether to use their limited resources to address this, you also have a problem figuring out who this is.”

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