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TV star's daughter looks unrecognizable after 60lb weight loss

People are shelling out the compliments to Dog The Bounty Hunter’s daughter, Bonnie Chapman, this fall. The TV star’s daughter is being told she’s “fierce” and “stunning” by her followers after she shed 60 pounds in less than a year.

Dog The Bounty Hunter has a pretty big brood with a total of 13 children. Dog welcomed his kids into the world with six different women. Sadly, Bonnie’s mom, Beth Chapman, passed away in 2019 after a battle with cancer.

Dog The Bounty Hunter’s daughter shows off weight loss

Bonnie Chapman, daughter of Duane ‘Dog The Bounty Hunter’ and Beth Chapman, is lifting the lid on her dramatic weight loss results this November.

The reality TV stars’ daughter says she’s been trying to lose weight for pretty much all her adult life, in an interview with E! News.

After years of feeling like “the bigger girl,” Bonnie shed over 60 pounds in 10 months.

Dog’s daughter was “frustrating to constantly be trying, constantly be putting in the work,” but not getting where she wanted to be before finally achieving the results she was after.

Bonnie Chapman’s secret

After years of struggling to lose weight, during which time Bonnie said she opted for “the Mediterranean and the Paleo diet,” she’s now showing off her dramatic weight loss results.

Bonnie revealed she had previously tried weight loss jab Ozempic, but opted out of it. She said she ended up “hating it,” as she “couldn’t eat without feeling nauseous.”

After “dieting all her life,” Bonnie tried a different weight loss drug which she’s now reaping the benefits of.

Bonnie used an injectable medication called Tirezepatide to aid her weight loss.

Within the first two weeks, Dog’s daughter says she lost around 10 lbs.

During the process, Bonnie admits she “cried a couple of times” because she was finally getting to a place she wanted to be with her weight.

At 4-foot-11, Bonnie weighed 196 lbs at her peak. She reached her goal weight of 130 pounds in less than one year.

Now, the reality TV stars’ daughter has shed even more weight, dropping to 126 lbs.

Rather than losing any more weight, she says she wants to remain where she is now, adding: “I just felt like I was finally me again.”

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