Love is Blind UK star, Sam Klein, has revealed he underwent a nose job several years ago. A video was posted detailing his journey with rhinoplasty, where he said he was constantly worried about his nose.
During his journey to find romance, Love is Blind UK’s Sam has got to know Nicole. He opened up to her about getting a nose job two years ago, as he used to always notice its shape in photos.
Sam underwent a nose job
Sam confessed how he underwent a nose job in the past, adding that he was “conscious of certain things”. Two years before the Netflix show came out, he had the rhinoplasty surgery done.
In a bid to grow in confidence, he said, “I never liked what I saw in the mirror, and I have done things to improve my appearance. Since I found out about this experiment, I came off the dating apps.”
“I trained very hard in the gym. Great new skin care routine. The whole lot,” Sam added. He’s now under pressure from his mom to “find the one” while working as a product design manager in London.
He felt self-conscious in photos
Sam worried that, when he got married one day, he’d hate the side angle of his nose. He “dreaded” that possibility and, by having his nose reshaped, he knew it would “get rid of all of that”.
Just moments after the surgery, Sam felt “unbelievable” and as though he “needed to celebrate”. He said the physical aspect is one thing, but the mental impact rhinoplasty had on him is the main change.
The 31-year-old had a stigma about his nose for his whole life, but now, for “the next 30 or 60 years, I can live without that one thing that always put me off myself.” He also felt it “was holding him back.”
‘Nothing wrong with nose before’
Eight weeks after the nose surgery, Sam felt his whole life had changed. He said he felt like he could “walk into anywhere without feeling like people are looking at him or feeling uncomfortable”.
The Netflix star said himself how people would tell him it was “just a nose,” but Sam “feels free” having got it done. However, fans believe there was “nothing wrong with his nose before”.
One viewer wrote, “Seeing Sam before his nose surgery is interesting…. It’s clear that quick fixes like this, don’t truly heal deep-seated emotional issues,” while others are calling him “insecure”.
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